NFFF Events

Monthly Remembrance Groups

Monthly Remembrance Groups

We know that the anniversary of a loved one’s death often brings up a difficult mix of memories and emotions that results in a huge wave of grief. Even when many years have passed, marking that date each year can bring you back to how it felt at the very beginning. Many years ago, we started a Remembrance Card program to remind families that they and their firefighters are never forgotten. During the month of each firefighter’s death, family members receive special handwritten cards in honor of their firefighters. These cards are written not by the NFFF staff but by Fire Hero Family members who truly understand the depth of that loss and volunteer their time to make sure families know they are not alone.

This new effort to help support family members during the anniversary month of their firefighters’ death. Each month we will hold a virtual support group for families whose firefighter died during that month.

These Monthly Remembrance Groups, held on the second Sunday of each month, will be facilitated by Vickie Taylor, a licensed clinical social worker who has served as a NFFF behavioral health consultant since the Foundation was created in 1992.

2022 Monthly Remembrance Groups

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