NFFF Scholarships

Senator Paul Sarbanes Scholarship

Scholarship Recipient

Owen Curry

Major: Engineering
Academic Scholarship Years:
Son of

Owen is currently a senior in high school, graduating in May with his high school diploma and his associate degree. His goal is to obtain his bachelor’s degree in engineering in either human factors or mechanical engineering.

Owen volunteered at a local garden shop during the fall of 2021 where he obtained 100 hours of community service and engaged the shop to pursue his school’s Bright Futures Scholarship. Owen was offered employment immediately afterwards and continues to work there. When not working, he enjoys attending church on Wednesdays and Sundays as it allows him to strive to be closer to God and build fellowship with others.

Jeffrey Long, Battalion Chief says, “It has been a pleasure to watch Owen as he has grown up. After his mother contracted Lyme Disease, he took on many responsibilities while remaining resilient, patient, empathetic, and courageous. He values time spent with family and friends and is devoted in all he does.”

This Scholarship Made Possible With Support From